February Motivation

Power Quotes

“Either you run the day or the day runs you.” 

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

“Keep your heels, head, and standards high.”

Power Songs

How to be a Heartbreaker- Marina and the Diamonds 

She’s Not Afraid- One Direction

Eres Tu- Fifth Harmony 

Power Installation

I can achieve my goal through… 

I can attract happiness by… 

I am blessed. 

Many people love me. 

The qualities I find good in myself include… 

My Splurge

So, it’s been a while… again. I’m sorry guys. I’ve been working on the publishing of my book. Amaranthine Academy has been changed from Amaranthine Academy to The Archangel’s Alliance and I’ve entered it in a contest along with talking to my publishing agent from Page Publishing about it. I can’t wait to see where it goes. I’m looking forward to winning the competition. I know I have the skill to. 

So, in all the midst of this, I’ve also been really sick, but keeping a positive outlook. Winter always gets me down and as we’re coming to the end of it, I thought I’d give you a positive motivation post. I hope it helped. 

-Your Realist. 



Hey, I’m Red.

So, hey guys. I’ve had a lot of people tell me they don’t like how I do things. They don’t like my forward approach and some find me a bit intimidating. I’m going to teach you a little bit about me. I’m a red. Red personalities strive on power. It’s their main goal in life. Some words to describe a red include determined, in denial, and always right. We don’t like to be told we’re wrong and we hate it when our opinions are challenged. We clash with other reds and we can offend whites and blues easily sometimes. So if you haven’t taken this test… Here’s the link:


You can only get the basic analysis for free, but that’s okay, because it will tell you your most dominant trait and a little bit about it. I hope you all will comment your color, take the poll, and learn and little bit about yourself.

I love this, because it helps me understand where others are coming from.

With Respects,

Your Realist.

Trapped Sober Experience

November 6, 2013. That’s the day I went through with an amazing decision. I made the decision to go to a ‘Trapped Sober’ Conference. I have never learned so much in three and a half days. I made 47 new friends, learned at least 47o new things, and I changed in 4 to 7 different ways.

The point of the conference is to educate you about the presence of drug and alcohol abuse along with all the negative body images and the depression that comes with it. It is meant to make you an advocate for staying sober and happy. I wouldn’t have traded the experience for the world.

The message I want you to take away from what I learned in this experience is that when you drink and drive, or text and drive, or smoke weed/abuse prescription drugs/or find any sort of artificial high and you drive, you are choosing to kill someone. You have said, “A human life doesn’t matter.” That human life matters. You’re not yourself when you’re under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Be responsible.

Your Realist.


Power Quotes

“Imperfection is the new perfection.” -Your Realist

“Be careful who you trust. Even the devil was once an angel.” -Unknown

“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” -Audrey Hepburn

Power Songs

Bless Myself- Lucy Hale

The Middle- Jimmy Eat World

Alive- Krewella

Power Installations

I am…

I have already accomplished…

I am willing to…

I will stay firm in my beliefs.

I am great in _______ but I can improve __________.

I am a beautiful person.

My goal is…

My Splurge

Hey readers! I’m sorry that it’s been so long, but don’t worry. I’m coming to you with new discussions, new rants, new advice, and some totally new formats as well. School has had me busy, so I have decided to incorporate work and play. I have a debate blog. If you are interested in teen health issues I will post the link! I also have some great youtube content coming up AND I have some story links coming your way! Being a realist can get hard sometimes and even I need an escape, stories are the best way to do that. I hope you guys enjoy some of the inspiration that helped me remember I need to talk to my pressers!


-Your Realist.

Autism At The Parade

Today I am going to talk about something pretty serious and personal. My little sister has autism. She has aspergers, which is a type of autism. She isn’t the most severe but she isn’t mild either. Whitney has a lot of quirks that you can’t change. She does a lot of pacing and running around and she is hard to keep in check. She has very poor social skills and a lot of people don’t understand her problem.
I’m going to talk to you about people who don’t understand and encourage you to read up on autism and other people with disorders.
Today, for example, a woman at the 4th of July parade had placed her children in our spot, but there was still room for us, so it was fine. This spot was reserved and we did not make a deal out of it. My sister came to sit on the curb and wait for the parade. She was next to this woman’s children. No problems. The lady then walks over to my mom and tells her that we are ruining her day by shoving her children who had the spot. When, in fact, it was our reserved place. She tells my sister to her face that she is being rude by shoving her child. When my mom tried to explain my sister was autistic, the woman yelled, “I don’t care. These are little children.” There were 9 kids in our group, but no, her child takes precedence because she’s four. We had 2 kids younger than that.
That’s only one example though. People react like this toward my autistic sister all the time. The woman even continued to glare at my younger sister for the remainder of the two hour parade.
You should understand and be compassionate towards others. Especially those who don’t understand what they’re doing wrong. Please study up on aspergers and autism and other mental disabilities because you don’t want to be the entitled, impolite, uneducated person making a kid feel bad.
Smiles and Hugs,
Your Realist.

My Story.

My Story.

I want to tell you my story. I want to tell you why I am so real and blunt about things. I want to tell you how I got here.

When I was younger I got onto a chat site. On this chat site I met some people and they loved me. I was popular. Everyone knew me and enjoyed my company. Some even went to lengths to tell me dirty things.

I got really depressed during this time. I became codependent on these people that I didn’t even know. That’s a really hard trial for someone who has been independent for as long as she can remember.

I did a lot of stupid things. I abused the proper use of electronics and I trusted the wrong people. I started burning myself. I was too scared to cut for a while, but I wanted the pain. Soon enough burning didn’t hurt enough, so I’d cut. I’d wear my jacket all the time so my parents wouldn’t see. When they did see I’d come up with an excuse. I’m a clumsy girl, so they’d believe me.

A guy online would call me fat and I’d cut again. I specifically remember a guy saying, “You’re not pretty enough to demand respect from anyone. You’re no Selena Gomez. You’re just that boring normal girl with drab black hair and a red face.” I carved hate into my arm for him. Friends helped me. I had a few good friends that kept me going for a while.

Then my parents found out my secret. I decided to tell them everything then. I went to the hospital and they took my blood. They thought I might have been deprived the nutrients I needed or something. I talked to a social worker. I yelled at him and cursed at him. I didn’t like him at all. He said that was fine. In the end, he gave me a contract. It made me promise not to self-harm. I signed it and crap, but my mom made me stay around her for a while. I even slept in my parents’ room.

Later we moved. I was happy, but I wasn’t happy. I was leaving my best friend and some people that loved me dearly, not that I noticed it at the moment. I got to the new place and I didn’t eat. I remember there was one week where I dropped six pounds. Six pounds. I hurt myself a couple more times, but I tried to keep it to a minimum. I mean I met a friend who did it daily and another friend who liked cutting smiley faces into his wrists. It was a pretty messed up life I had.

Soon enough I met more people and had more friends and I made a goal to get better. I started eating again and I substituted self-harm with working out.

What I want you to understand is there are people there for you. People love you; I love you. I care about everyone. I might not always show it. I might not always like your actions, but I will always love you and others will too. That’s why I started this blog. Just when you need a friend, I will be here. Feel free to email me. Ask me questions. I’ve gone through a lot of life and I’d like to think I understand some things about people.

Thanks for reading this. You’re beautiful!

Smiles and Hugs!

Ms. Real.

Fitness and Food Plans.


Fitness and Food Plans

Sorry that it’s been a while since I uploaded. I was talking to a friend because spring break is coming up and summer soon after! We started talking about weights and fitness regimens and such! So, I decided it would be good to write about it and tell you what I do.

I will start with ten things that will boost your metabolism and that you should add to snacks. One thing that will definitely help your metabolism is nuts! They have a lot of protein and if you eat a handful of them before lunch and dinner you’ll eat less. Another good food to add to your snack lists is raspberries. They’re high in fiber and antioxidants. Blueberries are good too. Plain yogurt will help you build muscle mass due to the type of vitamins it contains; more muscle mass equals more fat loss. Therefore a better metabolism (too bad I hate it, huh?). Spicy foods and cinnamon also boost your metabolism because your body has to burn extra calories to adapt to it. Beans are also a metabolism boosting food, one that will only cause flatulence if you aren’t used to eating them. In cultures that are based on beans and rice it’s a different story! My favorite thing that I eat that boosts your metabolism is rolled oats. You can eat rolled oats in a ton of different ways: oatmeal for breakfast, no bake cookies, and the Quaker oatmeal bars. Now I said, “No bake cookies…” and you’re probably like, but that’s unhealthy! A lie; pure cocoa is another food that will boost your metabolism. That means the Hershey’s cocoa powder you put into the no bake cookies is going to boost your metabolism. The last one I’m going to tell you about is asparagus. No one really likes it, but it’s not bad, in fact, it’s good for you! So there are ten things that will either boost your metabolism or make you a healthier person in general.

Now I’m going to talk about my food plan and alternative food plans I’ve heard of. My food plan is designed for people who plan on eating three meals a day and snacking in between. It’s meant for a high school student, because that’s what you have time for. It covers a week of time and I always date the week. I only fill in two to three of my boxes at a time so that I can give myself time to change my mind for the next meal. I keep my food diary because I had a time when I was anorexic and my friend told me I had to take in at least 1500 calories a day. So, to make sure I’m doing that even on the days when I’m upset and stuff I keep a food diary. If you’re looking to lose weight it’s also a good way to keep track of what you’re eating. You have to track everything. I always put what I eat into my calorie counter as well. I use myfitnesspal, but if you have and like a different one, go for it!

My workout plan is really open-ended. I have a high-level workout, a low-level workout, and a list of things I can do it I’m stuck at home. I’m going to attach both my food and workout plan to this as a PDF. Feel free to download and use it.

Now, I’m going to give you some tips that will help you utilize the tools I’m giving you.  My first tip is always eat a breakfast. It helps you work more efficiently and understand things better. Even though it’s not required for weight loss it’s required for a healthy heart and brain. It will also guarantee you snack less. Next, make sure you’re listening to your body. If you’re working out and it hurts you, stop. There is a big difference between a burn and a pain. Some people are going to be able to do things that you can’t, but find your best plan. For example, a workout that hurts me is the one where you lay on the bench and lower weights. It absolutely kills my shoulders, so I do push-ups instead. Another tip is to understand your body; I’m a mesomorph, which means I build muscle easily and lose unnecessary fat well. I’m also a little top heavy, but nearly an hourglass shape, so workouts that involve a lot of shoulder muscles mean I need to take it slower. So my tip to you is to understand and know your body type for the best results. I also recommend you get enough sleep. I function best on eight to nine hours of sleep; you might work well on six. It depends on who you are and the type of things you do. When picking out healthier bread make sure to read the labels; any bread with enriched flour is not healthy, whether it is wheat bread or white bread. My final tip is to cut back your unnatural sugar intake. Sugars that are in fruits are good for you and will make you healthier. The sugars you should cut back on are in things like cookies, soft drinks, and other sweets.

So that’s about it for today! I hope this helps in your quest for the right body. Make sure to take care of yourself and stay healthy!

Smiles and Hugs,


All I Am- Poem

Okay, here’s a poem, please don’t judge it. I suck at poetry, but I tried.


All I Am


Are my teeth not straight?

Is it my eyes you hate?

What about when I cry?

Is that the reason why?

Do you dislike that too?

Let me tell you something new.

I like my height and my weight

I like the changes that I’ve made.

I’m stronger now than before.

I don’t hurt myself anymore.

I’m happy and healthy every day

Even when I don’t get my way

I can’t wait for you to see

All I really am…Which is me.

Making Assumptions

Making Assumptions

I don’t think it’s fair to make assumptions about people. I am a lot more than the cover story tells and I guarantee you are too. Just because someone wears a lot of black does not mean that you can assume they hurt themselves and have a hard family life. Just because someone likes a certain store doesn’t mean you can label them. Making assumptions about people is something the public does all too often. I want you all to stop. Make a decision and stop. When somebody says something don’t assume they mean it offensively. Don’t assume “whatever” means I hate you. Don’t assume “don’t even care” counts as a go screw yourself or something along those lines. Before you get offended, ask what they mean or for clarification if you need it. This is just one of the many communication skills people need to work on.

Smiles and Hugs!

This girl(: